Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A humbly magnificent day.

Today was just spectacular. When the Lord really uses you, awesome things happen. Today during drama class I was witnessing to a classmate of mine (his name is bobby) and what he believed was that when you die your spirit just roams around and watches people on earth. Is that true? No, according to the bible once you die you end up in one of two destinations after you die just like the rich man was in Hell immediately after death Luke 16:23. Well anyway's I was talking to him and while I was walking him through the Ten Commandments and I asked him if he told a lie before and he said no. I asked him what he meant by that and just didn't respond. I kept asking and he ended up admitting that he lied to his sister. And then I asked him if he murdered someone before and he said no. But then I asked him if he ever got angry at someone and he said yes. He said it was someone in elementary school named Alexis. He told me his anger and I asked him what would he do if he saw her again. He said he would cuss her out intentionally. I could tell in his eyes that he was furious at her. Then I started talking about Jesus and what He did for him. Then suddenly and unexpectantly bobby said "hold on I need to record this." So he got out his flip video camera and started recording what I was saying. I was giving a short message to anyone who would watch this video and I was warning them to repent of there sins and believe and put there trust in Jesus and talking about various other things. It was sooooo humbling just having him record me. He told me he was going to put it on facebook and he was also going to show it to his Church! Even though he told me that when you die your spirit just hovers around the earth and watches people, yet when he was recording what I was saying he was agreeing with what I was saying about Jesus! Praise the Lord!!!! He is good. Amen!!!!

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