Sunday, May 20, 2012


This event was last Friday but it was was my High School's praise night, and my school is called Irvington High School. When I finally arrived and walked into Valhalla theater which is my school's drama theater I saw that my CORE group was praying. So I just tiptoed near them and just prayed silently in my head. Most of them never knew I was there and when they were done praying I said out loud "hey guys!" It was pretty funny haha. Then afterwards a guy named Eddie who was part of our youth alive Christian CORE group told me to wait outside and just help his friends to show them where the praise night was. I was just having a great time outside greeting people! It was just so much fun! I was waving to everyone that came by who were leaving the school and also pointing at them and it may be awkward to them but oh man was I filled with the Holy Spirit that day! I didn't care what those people thought about me, all I cared about was that what the Lord thought. That's what only matters.  And also people that were coming to the front entrance I approached them, and shook their hand and asked them what their name was. I met people that were new to me and people that were students at my school at Irvington. It was just fantastic! Then when I was told to come inside I came inside and greeted more people that I knew already and new faces as well. The praise night started and of course worship was first and man was I jumping and moving around and praising the Lord with the hands all the way up in the air! Wow! And then we listened to Anh Truong who was a speaker at our praise night event that I already knew. And the first thing he wanted us to do was to text him what does love mean to us? And so he gave us his number (I already had his number haha) and people in the audience texted him what love meant to them. I texted Anh "Love is what Christ did for us on the Cross by being tortured and then nailed to the Cross for our sins by giving us eternal life. -George. :D" And I got a text from Anh back saying "MAN G! So true." Then Anh began sharing his testimony of coming to know Christ and it was just to hear his story knowing that he had a rough childhood growing up but persevered through it. And it was great to hear it for sure since everyone's story is unique and different from the other just like everyone on the Earth is, unique and different. Then after Anh spoke we had more worship and then prayer and everyone left to get refreshments in the snack room. I chatted with a few people that I met including a guy named Daniel, and several other people. I asked them if they could pray for me and they joyfully volunteered. It was such a blessing. I also met a girl named Lydia whom I have not seen for a while and we chatted for a little bit. She used to go to Irvington but transferred to another school named Kennedy that is near my High School. It was so awesome to get to see her and talk a little again before I left. Then after I talked with all the people the Lord led me to, I said goodbye to some people and left home. What a fantastic night praising the Lord with old and new brother's and sister's in Christ! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!! Amen!

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