Saturday, December 15, 2012


Today is a very rainy day, but it was productive as well. I had to run an errand for my dad in Florida by driving over to Fry's electronics and buying a cable so he could use it for whatever reason. I was struggling at first trying to find it after asking a store employee, but eventually my dad talked with another employee at the store. The man gave me directions for where to find more of the cables that my dad mentioned to the guy on the phone. I walked over and I found the cable that my dad wanted. I felt happy and very accomplished when I found it. I bought it then came home. I cleaned a little of my family friends room, even though the cleaning crew came yesterday, then I read chapters of my bible in 1 Kings. That is the book I am reading right now. I am going to relax at home for the rest of the day, then tomorrow I have to prepare in the morning for my Christmas skit where we are reenacting the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. My character is the husband of the dead girl that Jesus brings back to life. Hopefully my sister can come tomorrow like she did for my improv show. I love rainy days. Thank you for creating them Lord.

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