Sunday, March 17, 2013


Another regular day of Church today and the usual of course. But what happened later changed my entire day. Oh, and before I tell you about the event I saw the movie Rise of The Guardians which was excellent and I loved the movie! Anyway's back to the story, as I was driving back home today I saw a homeless man on the sidewalk. I knew that the right thing to do was to turn around like I normally do and talk with the person. I parked my car and walked to him. And after I approached and greeted him, I took out my wallet and said "I want to bless you with this sir." He smiled and took the money and then I asked him "can I pray for you?" He happily agreed and I prayed that the Lord would bless him and provide a home for him. His name is David and please pray that the Lord would help him out. Pray the Lord would provide him with a job, house, family etc. God bless that man. It's just so fun to bless people and share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Their is nothing that makes me more happier than that. It's just like the Lord Jesus Christ said "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35 That truth is so amazing like all of the other truths that Jesus shared with us through His Word. Just blessing people who are homeless and are hurting and sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with them is awesome. Keep an eye out for those opportunities and pray for them! Praise the Lord and God bless each and everyone of you my brothers and sisters!

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