Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hell is very real

My brothers and sisters, we must warn the lost how real Hell is. We need to remind them that it is a place of torment. I have asked numerous people what they think happens after they die and a few of them told me that they will find out what happens after they die. It's not very smart thing to wait until what happens after you die because then it will be too late. People will say: "their is no way you can know what happens after you die. That's impossible!" Actually, yes you can and the bible mentions everything about what our life is all about and where we are going. The biggest proof in the bible that their is a Hell is in the Rich man and Lazarus account in Luke 16:19-31. This is a true account that Jesus told and it is not a parable. Once you have a proper name such as "Lazarus" it is taken out of the parable category. Jesus described Hell as a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth Matthew 13:42 It's a place of eternal fire Matthew 25:41 Our Lord Jesus told us more about Hell than about Heaven because He wanted to warn us not to go to this horrible place of torment. My brothers and sisters, the Rich man is still down in Hell burning and screaming in torment. He wants mercy but his soul will get none of it, he will be in pain there forever and ever. The Rich man wanted to warn his five brothers about this place so they would not be there with him for eternity. Do you realize how real Hell is my friends? Once we understand how real it is because the bible talks about it and we know the true story of the Rich man and Lazarus. We want to warn everyone we can about this horrifying reality that will come to wicked sinners if they do not repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they will regret it for eternity. So please, please, please my friends, warn the lost about how real Hell is and tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ who is the only one that can save them from this place of torment. I love you all and God bless you my brothers and sisters! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!!  

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