Monday, May 26, 2014

Pray for Isla Vista

Hello my brothers and sisters. If you all didn't know there has been a shooting recently at Isla Vista near the University of Santa Barbara here in California. Seven people were killed in the shooting including the gunman who committed suicide. What you need to know which is very important my brothers and sisters is that when a person dies, they are not dead but alive on the other side. The Rich man died and he is still alive on the other side. Read Luke 16:19-31. Everyone who has died is alive on the other side. Either fully alive and conscious in Heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ. Or fully alive and conscious in Hell burning there forever. Please pray for the victims friends and families who were impacted by this horrific event, but this event is not a tragedy. A tragedy is someone dying and going to Hell and not doing anything about it. So my brothers and sisters, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. People are dying and going to Hell every single day and we must warn them what's on the other side to repent of their sins and trust in Jesus to wash them clean of their sin. It's our job to blow the trumpet and warn them, but their choice if they want to get ready or not. We must do our job and plant that seed. Pray for victims friends and families my brothers and sisters. And keep sharing the gospel!!! Time is short and our beloved Jesus is coming soon! The world is full of sin and wickedness and the evil is just going to get worse and spread. Tell people about Jesus!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!! 

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