Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hello everyone! I apologize if I haven't blogged for some time. I want to thank you all for praying for me. I really appreciate all of your prayers and they mean a lot to me. Continue to pray for me and this could be relationship. I just want the Lord's guidance on this and other things. And also pray for the Lord to help clear all these thoughts that I have been struggling with. I would like prayer for that and also for Jesus continuing to use me for His glory. And I will continually pray for all of you. I know it may be difficult to pray for each person individually but it's worth it. I care about each person and so does Jesus. In fact, He is the one that created me, you and the every single human that has lived, is living and will live! Jesus is the Creator of all things! Ephesians 3:9. Work is going well for me and it's busy, so keep that in prayer. I've also been praying a lot which is great because I love prayer and I'm getting into the groove with it. The more I pray, the more I fall in love with Jesus and with people. Because I have this intimate connection with all of them. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and are family. And I love them including you guys as well. Again, thank you all very much for your prayers! And as always praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!! 

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